As the year ends I wonder what happened to 2008. It seems that with all we do that we have no time for memories. Usually at this time I answer questions my friend in San Antonio sends every year. It forces me to take stock of what I did. While those are good things to look at, I wonder why I don't notate the memories. Much like the picture to the right. Taking time to look at the trees and the sky. Wondering at the colors. Not only of fall, but year round. The wonderful summer making trips to South Cheyenne Canyon twice a week. All these 'pictures' in my mind are fodder for future creative endeavors. Perhaps taking time to remember the sight, taste, smell and touch of our lives would allow us to savor the richness that we have. All that has been a part of us will never leave. Although we don't want to wallow in the past, it does inform who we are and how we pass on our uniquiness to the world. Let's take the time to pause in 2009 to allow the true story of who we are come to the forefront and share that instead of the busyness we use as an excuse to keep people at bay.