For fun this week I thought it might be fun to 'interview' Helen Hunt Jackson using her own words. I hope you enjoy. The photo is from my recent performance at the Pikes Peak Library District as Helen Hunt Jackson
As you were traveling to the west you made some unique observations. Would you share some of those thoughts?
Prairie, unfenced, undivided, unmeasured, unmarked, save by the different tints of different growths of grass or grain; great droves of cattle grazing here and there; acres of willow saplings, pale yellowish green; and solitary trees, which look like hermits in a wilderness. These, and now and then a shapeless village, which looks even lonelier than the empty loneliness by which it is surrounded, - these are all for hours and hours. We think, “now we are getting out into the great spaces.” “This is what the word ‘West’ has sounded like.”
You seem to like the lower elevations as opposed to the high peaks. Why do you think that?
I think that true delight, true realization, of the gracious, tender, unutterable beauty of the earth and all created things are to be found in outlooks from lower points—vistas which shut more than they show, sweet and unexpected revealings in level places and valley, secrets of near woods, and glories of every-day paths.
You are quoted as saying there are nine places of worship in Colorado Springs. What are the?
There are nine “places of divine worship” in Colorado Springs, -- the Presbyterian, the Cumberland Presbyterian, the Methodist, the South Methodist, the Episcopal, the Congregationalist, the Baptist, the Unitarian, and Cheyenne Canyon.
What do you do when the snow covers the ground?
... winter..... memory and fancy will have their way; and, as we sit cowering over fires, and the snow piles up outside our window sills, we shall gaze dreamily into the glowing coals, and, living the summer over again, shall recall it in a minuteness of joy, for summer days were too short and summer light too strong. Then, when joy becomes reverie, and reverie takes shape, a truer record can be written....
Thank you Mrs. Jackson. I hope you will join me again later to share more of your insights.
What a fun interview! Interesting words indeed. I'm a flatlander, born and raised, and when I moved to Reno was overwhelmed by the looming mountains. When I moved back, at first I missed their constant presence -- but I've rediscovered the beauty and grace of the plains, and its many "secret places," and I don't think that anywhere else can be "home" to me!
Very interesting! I hadn't realized there was a Unitarian church amongst the rest back then...
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